
Legal Notice


INDUSTRIAS PLÁSTICAS IGOR, S.L. is the owner of the www.igorshop.es website.

In compliance with the obligation of identification as set in Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11th July, for the Company Identification and E-commerce Services, below you can find the following identification data:

The owner of the website is the company INDUSTRIAS PLÁSTICAS IGOR, S.L. with VAT Nr. B03760360 and whose address is Pda. Era Alta 107, 03160 Almoradí, Alicante.


This website along with the contents, designs, brands and services involved are property of, or under the control of, INDUSTRIAS PLÁSTICAS IGOR, S.L.They are protected limitlessly by the Spanish laws for intellectual and industrial property, as well as applicable to different international treaties.

INDUSTRIAS PLÁSTICAS IGOR, S.L. is the sole owner or transferee of all of the equivalent intellectual and industrial rights that can be reverted to the website. Furthermore, INDUSTRIAS PLÁSTICAS IGOR, S.L. maintains, in their favour, the rights on all the contents, services or elements that they own and which are part of the website.

As all of these rights are reserved, and in right of those established in the Law on Intellectual Property it is expressly forbidden to:reproduce, distribute and communicate publicly with commercial or advertising purposes, on any device or by way of any technical means, including forms of making available the whole or part of the contents of this website, without express authorisation from INDUSTRIAS PLÁSTICAS IGOR, S.L.

THE USER is committed to respect the Industrial and Intellectual Property rights owned by INDUSTRIAS PLÁSTICAS IGOR, S.L.


The information Industrias Plásticas Igor S.L. receives through the websitewill be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Industrias Plásticas Igor S.L. will observe at all times the current provisions on data protection, and especially, those in Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December, on the Protection of Personal Data, and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and will adopt the necessary measures to, related with the said data, avoid alteration, loss, treatment and unauthorised access of them and that the workers observe the same prescriptions. Included in these obligations, the duty of secrecy about the data under protection and other current confidentiality obligations. Furthermore, we hereby commit to not use the website user’s personal details for any purpose except for the aim of contracting the services we offer.

In accordance with the current legislation, Industrias Plásticas Igor S.L. collects dataof a personal nature of their clients and include them in a file which it owns and the treatment of which is the aim of managing orders requested and to reply to the questions the users have.

How do we obtain your personal details and what information about you do we acquire?

The user has to provide personal data and certain personal information to register as a client of the Company and to formalise purchase contracts (name and surnames, address, e-mail, telephone/fax numbers). Registry of this data is obligatory; the lack of completion of it by the user or delivery of incorrect data will make it impossible for Industrias Plásticas Igor S.L. to correctly manage the orders placed.

Industrias Plásticas Igor S.L. requests additional personal details for statistical reasons to understand the profile of the user. The user can omit or stop giving any data or personal information that is not absolutely essentialto register as a client or to formalise purchases.

With whom do we share your data?

Industrias Plásticas Igor S.L. can use third advertising companies to put advertisements on the website.These companies may use cookies or other instruments to measure the efficiency of their adverts.

The data can be used by Industrias Plásticas Igor S.L. withthe aim of sending information to the user about offers and advertising information to the e-mail or physical address provided, to which the client has provided express consent; however, the client can opt, at any said moment, to reject the issuance of such information by sending an e-mail to info@igorshop.es indicating it.

Also, the client expressly gives consent toIndustrias Plásticas Igor S.L. to communicate the said data to companies to carry out transportation.

For how long do we maintain your data?

Your personal details will be maintained during the time necessary to comply with the aim for which they were collected. If your data is used for various aims which means we have to maintain them during different periods of time, we will apply the longest time-span.

In every case, we limit the access to the data and it is only given to those people who need it to undertake their tasks.

The periods for maintaining data are based on the needs of the business, and therefore the personal details that are no longer necessary will be limited to that in strict compliance with legal obligations or will be destroyed in a safe way.

Your rights regarding data

The person responsible for the file hereby informs that as the owner of the data you are able, at any moment, to have access to the file, and can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure and to object to the terms laid out in the Organic Law 15/99 on Personal Data Protection and the Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21st December, by sending a request by e-mail to the address mentioned above.

And according to the European General Regulation on General Data Protection (GDPR), UE Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliamentyou are able to oppose determined treatment and adoption of automated decisions of your personal details, which require human intervention during the process, and you are able to challenge the decisions finally taken in virtue of the treatment of your details, and you are able to use your details in an interoperable and self-sufficient format, and can withdraw the consent previously given at any said moment.

Información sobre cookies

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